Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Short List 2.15.12

1. The figures above are made out of plastic trash bags! The plastic bag people fascinate me, opening my eyes to the true love of art. It looks almost creepy as if they are real, yet fragile. Cherie the creator of these bags and her blog “Waste Not Do Want” amaze me with the explanation of beauty being anything and everything.

 2.This simple creation is another photo I collected from "Waste Not Do Want." This photo intrigues me for the beauty, it almost looks as if the bike and tree are becoming one.

3. "Waste Not Do Want"  has yet again created a new outlook on life for me.......A wall with this much life and description could be considered cluttered.

13 pictures hanging on the wall (including the pictures reflected in the mirror.)
4 mirrors hanging on the wall
10 brief cases
3 white flowers
1 red flower
1 pink flower
2 china tea cups
3 tassels
2 head statues
1 statue
1 jar of paint brushes
3 jewelry boxes
2 coffee mugs
3 candles
9 books
3 plates
1 mini Eiffel Tower
1 bar of soap

.....or beauty.

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