Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"John Coffey, just like the drink, only not spelled the same." - John Coffey

"I dreamed of you. I dreamed you were wandering in the dark, and so was I. We found each other. We found each other in the dark." -Melinda Moores

Memories of a taunting green line, practiced death, shackled souls, and an unbelievable year that haunts a friend of an innocent man sentenced to death. In 1932 Paul Edgecombe, the block supervisor of Cold Mountain Penitentiary for death row,  brought in a man named John Coffey for murder and rape of two young white girls. Little sympathy is given to men on death row especially for John who is a seven foot tall black man. Paul noticed a soft kindness in John the moment he walked through the doors, yet never quite understood. Months after John had been imprisoned he finally asked Paul to trust him, curing him from a bladder infection that had been keeping him in agony for months. Stephen King brought the novel The Green Mile to life with death and veracity. John Coffey an innocent man shares a light of love and warmth with everyone, showing people that there is a goodness in everything.

The World As He Knows It.

Life anew, steps taken with caution, first words spoken with innocent unknown fear. A mother gasping for air in a room concealed from life. Room by Emma Donoghue begins with the fifth birthday of Jack. Jack lives in a room (shed) with a bathtub,  a wardrobe, a kitchen, a bed, and a TV set. In this room Jack creates a world amongst the objects he sees everyday; having never stepped out of room Jack believes room is all the world is, that even people on TV aren't real. Jack is happy with the painful ignorance of sheltered love. Ma, Jack's mother, cares for Jack during the day but when night comes Jack sleeps in "wardrobe"  because Old Nick visits. When things begin to get out of hand Ma turns to Jack as their only escape, admitting that she had been abducted at the age of nineteen and has been in Old Nick's room since. With creeping fear Ma creates a plan involving the fake death of Jack, leaving Old Nick with no other choice but to dump the body in a remote place. In the "real world" Jack must find authorities, get Ma out, and avoid Old Nick finding out the truth.

This novel keeps me on the edge of my seat with anticipation and fear for Jack and Ma.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Short List 2.22.12 Cartoons

1.) Betty Boop was first created  in 1902 as a dog where her sketches were improved and edited until her debut on August 8, 1930. In 1931 Betty was no longer a dog but a woman. With Betty's singing and "short" skirt she was looked upon as risque, being as many have said, the woman before Marilyn. Although Betty was idolized in this aspect she still contained an innocence and assertive voice for a woman. In 1933 Philadelphia banned Betty Boop labeling her to be "too risque." In 1934 Betty retired from singing lengthened her skit and became a woman with an apron. In 1939 her last show was released "Yip Yip Yipee" marking the end of Betty Boop. 

As a child I watched reruns on old tapes observing the progression of Betty's life within weeks, never quite understanding the change in her creation and life until now.

2.) On January 17, 1929 "Thimble Theater" was introduced to the public as a funny comic strip. Popeye first appeared as a supporting character later emerging into the main character pushing Ham Gravy, Olive Oyl's boyfriend, into early retirement.

The fans encouraged the success of Popeye demanding more adventures with the sailor. Thus causing Popeye's looks to improve along with his relationship with Olive Oyl, creating the show "Thimble Theater Starring: Popeye the Sailor" later becoming just "Popeye." 

Popeye has always been extremely funny with even the cuteness of what generations before us thought. 

3.) On November 18, 1928 Mickey Mouse was the first short film to enter theaters with sound. In the 1930's Walt created Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Pluto, Goofy, Peg-Leg Pete, and Clarabelle Cow. Mickey has been popular for all generations including today's. Creating laughter and memories.

 Fun Fact: Mae Questel is the voice for Olive Oyl, Betty Boop, Felix the Cat, and Minnie Mouse. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Short List 2.21.12

Eyes: Verb- look - see - watch - view - observe - behold. I want everyone to look through broken eyes; See pain at its full potential; Watch a child suffer through tears and silence; View life for what it truly is. Observe the "odd" child, the "smelly" classmate, the "bookworm", even a"friend;" BEHOLD the pain; Open your eyes. 

If seeing is believing why don't you see the pain in her silence?

Children every day are beat, starved, neglected, and unloved. They don't know why, they only feel pain and loneliness. THEY DON'T KNOW LOVE, AFFECTION, WARMTH, AND HAPPINESS, only fear. 

The wrongness in the world can't be stopped inside of a box. Stop looking and start seeing. 
This includes how you treat your teacher, janitor, boss, cashier, waitress, EVERYONE. 
NO ONE can fully understand life until they look through the broken eyes hidden behind "rose colored glasses"

Want more?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Short List 2.15.12

1. The figures above are made out of plastic trash bags! The plastic bag people fascinate me, opening my eyes to the true love of art. It looks almost creepy as if they are real, yet fragile. Cherie the creator of these bags and her blog “Waste Not Do Want” amaze me with the explanation of beauty being anything and everything.

 2.This simple creation is another photo I collected from "Waste Not Do Want." This photo intrigues me for the beauty, it almost looks as if the bike and tree are becoming one.

3. "Waste Not Do Want"  has yet again created a new outlook on life for me.......A wall with this much life and description could be considered cluttered.

13 pictures hanging on the wall (including the pictures reflected in the mirror.)
4 mirrors hanging on the wall
10 brief cases
3 white flowers
1 red flower
1 pink flower
2 china tea cups
3 tassels
2 head statues
1 statue
1 jar of paint brushes
3 jewelry boxes
2 coffee mugs
3 candles
9 books
3 plates
1 mini Eiffel Tower
1 bar of soap

.....or beauty.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Dead Poets Society

Eyes opening to reality, the brush of wind on your cheeks, sun kisses placed upon your delicate skin;  Life itself is new. A destiny most have when air captures the lungs for the first time, a future yet to be written. Peter Weir's film Dead Poets Society takes place in a prison full of life, color and emptiness. Where futures seem to no longer be written by footsteps you take, but footsteps you must follow.  Welcome to a world of worn reality. Where they follow a path of shadows only to be spilled upon the pages of the real world.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A flight into darkness.

 The painting Fallen Bough leaks colorful audacity providing a sense of tediousness as the birds sweep havoc across the vibrant plain.