Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"John Coffey, just like the drink, only not spelled the same." - John Coffey

"I dreamed of you. I dreamed you were wandering in the dark, and so was I. We found each other. We found each other in the dark." -Melinda Moores

Memories of a taunting green line, practiced death, shackled souls, and an unbelievable year that haunts a friend of an innocent man sentenced to death. In 1932 Paul Edgecombe, the block supervisor of Cold Mountain Penitentiary for death row,  brought in a man named John Coffey for murder and rape of two young white girls. Little sympathy is given to men on death row especially for John who is a seven foot tall black man. Paul noticed a soft kindness in John the moment he walked through the doors, yet never quite understood. Months after John had been imprisoned he finally asked Paul to trust him, curing him from a bladder infection that had been keeping him in agony for months. Stephen King brought the novel The Green Mile to life with death and veracity. John Coffey an innocent man shares a light of love and warmth with everyone, showing people that there is a goodness in everything.

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