Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Short List 2.21.12

Eyes: Verb- look - see - watch - view - observe - behold. I want everyone to look through broken eyes; See pain at its full potential; Watch a child suffer through tears and silence; View life for what it truly is. Observe the "odd" child, the "smelly" classmate, the "bookworm", even a"friend;" BEHOLD the pain; Open your eyes. 

If seeing is believing why don't you see the pain in her silence?

Children every day are beat, starved, neglected, and unloved. They don't know why, they only feel pain and loneliness. THEY DON'T KNOW LOVE, AFFECTION, WARMTH, AND HAPPINESS, only fear. 

The wrongness in the world can't be stopped inside of a box. Stop looking and start seeing. 
This includes how you treat your teacher, janitor, boss, cashier, waitress, EVERYONE. 
NO ONE can fully understand life until they look through the broken eyes hidden behind "rose colored glasses"

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